Helpers for Haml, in Haml.
Define helper functions in Haml that can be called with native Haml syntax and shared inside your app.
What is it?
Compose tags from other tags
Build powerful constructs by composing simpler ones.
- define_tag :Media do |attributes, content|
%a.pull-left{href: "#"}{src: attributes["image"]}
.media-body attributes["heading"]
= content
%Media{image: "", heading: "Media"}
Nulla vel metus scelerisque ante sollicitudin commodo.
Share tags across your project
Create helper templates and reuse them everywhere.
- include_tags '_bootstrap.html.haml'
%LaunchModalButton.btn-primary.btn-lg{target: "#introModal"}
Experience Haml User Tags
%ModalTitle Welcome to the next generation of Haml
%p Beautiful syntax for defining high-level components.
Clean syntax for helper methods
Stop using Ruby syntax to call helper methods and start using powerful tags that feel like regular Haml.
= form_for @article, html: {role: "form"} do |f|
= f.label :email
= f.text_field :email, {class: "form-control"}
= f.label :password
= f.password_field :password, {class: "form-control"}
= f.label :file
= f.file_field :file Example block-level help text here.
= f.label :checkbox do
= f.check_box :checkbox
Check me out
= f.submit "Submit", class: "btn btn-default"
%Form{for: @article, role: "form"}
%Input.form-control#password{type: "password"}
%Input#file{type: "file"} Example block-level help text here.
%Input#checkbox{type: "checkbox"}
Check me out
%Submit.btn.btn-default Submit